140 – How to honor your twin flame connection

I’ve recently discovered that Phil is my twin flame. I knew from the moment I met him that something was special but didn’t know it was called a “twin flame connection.”

There’s a difference between a soulmate and a twin flame connection.

From my experience, between my ex-husband and me, we had good chemistry and respected each other very much. However, we were each other’s opposite.

The twin flame connection is your mirror, and the main purpose is to help you grow spiritually. I believe you meet your twin flame when you are ready to embark on a spiritual awakening journey. From my experience, you’ve got to be searching for something.

After learning about the twin flame connection, I looked online. Many posts or videos shared the 10-15 signs you’ve found your twin flame; however, they didn’t share their personal experience.

In this episode, I’m sharing my experience to honor this unique connection and its learnings.

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139 – How to embrace confusion

Last week, after revealing my most painful childhood memory, rather than feeling energized and happy, I felt heavy and sad. This state of being confused me. Why was I not full of joy after discovering what was at the front and center of my life’s purpose?

Adding to the gush of negative feelings, I had to deal with a flat tire on the car and some plumbing issues in the house. I found it interesting that what was going on in my heart matched my environment. I addressed every situation with patience, allowing myself to be OK with not being OK.

It turned out that being confused when experiencing inner growth is normal and beneficial to capture the learning within that state of mind.

In this episode, I’m sharing with you my discovery as to why I felt that way and what I learned by accepting and moving through the feeling rather than avoiding it or pretending it’s not there.

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138 – Lifting the veil of shame

Are you curious to know what your life purpose is or at least what it looks like?

Ever since I started my entrepreneurial journey, I felt I got a clearer picture of my life purpose. It’s like I’m putting together a 10,000 piece puzzle where the picture is revealed when the pieces are connected.

I spent many years going around the perimeter without being able to see what’s in the middle. Depending on my state of mind, I kept shifting between the right side, which is Avesence, the skincare brand, and the left side, this podcast show. But what was the connection with these two things?

My encounter with Hal and Wendy, mixed with some meditating time while trimming the bushes in the backyard, allowed me to answer my questions.

In this episode, I share my discovery of how shame affected my self worth to a point where it limited my aspiration. Listen in as I share how you can free yourself from old wounds and open your heart to new beginnings.

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137 – How to create your own miracles

I believe the word miracle is a term we use to express something extraordinary that just happened, and we cannot explain what took place. The truth is that there’s always an explanation; it’s just that often time deeds are so far removed from the outcome that we don’t see how we created our own miracles.

In this episode, I share with you the details of how I created my own miracle. It boils down to understanding that everything around us is chemistry, based on Nature’s laws. This information means that miracles can be observed and, once learned, can be replicated.

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