Posts by Nadia Fleury
170 – How to prepare for your next destination?
Before creating a new beginning, the old cycle must close bringing with it sadness and pain. In this episode, Nadia shares how to stay on course and go through uncertainty to create change.
Listen to Episode169 – How to deal with low self-worth?
In this episode, Nadia shares her correspondence that transpired not too long ago from one of our dearest listeners, named Blanca. In the said letter, Blanca writes to Nadia asking for guidance or advice regarding her predicament about dealing with low self-worth. As a response, Nadia replies to Blanca, expressing her insight into dealing with…
Listen to Episode168 – How to receive what you desire?
Kao Feng once asked, “The whole world is a fire pit. With what state of mind can you avoid being burned?” Likewise, Nadia illustrates how the quality of your life is greatly influenced by the quality of your thoughts.
In reality, none of us has it easy. Deep down, we are scarred with flaws and imperfections. And that’s okay; it’s part of being human, after all. But despite our past fears and awful experiences, Nadia is saying that we have the choice to refuse these horrible circumstances to dictate the purpose and meaning of our lives. And in this episode, Nadia reveals to us the key relationship between courage, success, and state of mind.
Listen to Episode167 – Are you ready to receive?
Last week Nadia explained her views as to why so many people find it challenging to receive. In this episode, Nadia ties last week’s insights with a story of transformation from a life of pain and woes toward a life of love, abundance, and happiness. According to Nadia, receiving is just as important as giving.…
Listen to Episode166 – Why it is so challenging to receive?
Too many incredible and kind nurturers out there tend to pride themselves on giving and find it challenging to receive.
In this episode, Nadia shares her views on why so many deserving souls have missed an essential part of life which is the art of receiving.
Nadia blends her experiences and observations with three laws of nature:
1. You reap what you sow.
2. That you want it or not, everything is constantly changing, and therefore, the only thing you can truly control is your thoughts.
3. What you focus on expands.