025 – Crossing The Bridge to Freedom
In this week’s episode, Nadia shares her thoughts on crossing the bridge to freedom, prompted by a conversation she had with her friend Martha. She considers if people’s thoughts, ideas, and creativity are worth paying for, as they are not physical products. Using lessons learned from Napoleon Hill’s “How to Own Your Own Mind,” she…
Listen to Episode024 – Connecting The Dots
In this episode, Nadia shares with us how a childhood dream made her understand that we may sometimes think that things are too far out, too unreachable, too impossible, when in fact they are things within our grasp; we just haven’t realized it yet. She also shares how as a child she could get the…
Listen to Episode023 – Creating Change For the Greater Good
What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? What if you are the player, referee, the goalie, and you play both parts of the team? Wouldn’t that give you all the reasons to win? In this episode, Nadia explains how her life changed for the better after letting go of what is probable in order to…
Listen to Episode022 – Why We Fear Chemicals
In this week’s episode, Nadia addresses the fear of chemicals and bacteria in our lives. It all started from an incident that happened to her on Friday which challenged her own mindset. This episode goes to show that our fears aren’t always what they seem. We tend to think that naturally derived materials may be…
Listen to Episode021 – The Golden Rules
In this episode, Nadia shares Napoleon Hill’s views on the Golden Rules. In this episode, Nadia shares her thoughts and insight about the Golden Rule – “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” And takes it a step further, bringing the law of manifestation explained in “The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace…
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