068 – My Reincarnation
In this video, I share how in a moment of wisdom I received an insight that led me to financial freedom.
The moment of truth came as I was handling my divorce papers and how I chose to listen to my heart instead of other peoples’ well-meaning advice.
In my opinion, the judicial system as a whole is designed to split things into smaller bits. In the case of the dissolution of a marriage, both parties bring on the table what they have and what they owe. The judge will take into consideration the fairness of the agreement and, decide according to the law. All this is fine the majority of the time.
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However, I’m questioning the real motive as to why it has to be that way. As an example, let’s take two pies. My ex has only eaten 1/8 of the pie, I’ve eaten 7/8 of mine. The judge may say: “Mr. you owe your wife X% of what is left of your pie because you were married for more than 10 years.”
Is it fair? I’m not sure. I do understand that the government created laws to make it as fair as possible and to guide people to follow specific rules. However, it was my choice that I ate 7/8 of my pie.
The sad reality is, after going to court, especially if any attorneys are involved, what will there be to split? Probably crumbs.
Deeper though, what does it say if I fight over his pie? Where am I shifting my energy? That I cannot find ways to get my own pie? I need the outer world to satisfy my need.
In my mind, financial freedom is the opposite of dependency.
In this video, I shared how I have found a way to create my own pie using my inner gifts? Instead of spending energy trying to get from others, I chose to learn how to create from within using my talents. Not only now I can bake an infinite amount of pies, but I can also share them with you.