094 – How to find your voice?

By Nadia Fleury | 10/28/2019 |

It’s one thing to figure out how to solve a problem; it’s something else to feel ready to share with the world that gift. So many things, like our upbringing, negative experiences, and past trauma, have a way to get the better of us. In this episode, I share with you tips on how you…

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093 – How to heal through adversity?

By Nadia Fleury | 10/21/2019 |

Sage had been flirting with Hazel for more than three years. He romanced her and made her feel really good. Knowing his past, Hazel had some reservations in letting go of her guards. However, after three years of pursuing, she opened her heart.  Within a few weeks of deeper romance, Sage announced that his ex-girlfriend…

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092 – What is the root cause of procrastination?

By Nadia Fleury | 10/14/2019 |

Let’s face it, we know what we need to do, but we don’t do it. The reason why we stall is deeply rooted in how we feel about ourselves. It took me years to realize that procrastination is a symptom, not the root cause. The reality is that we live in an illusion, and society…

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091 – Are you stuck in your own cake batter?

By Nadia Fleury | 10/07/2019 |

To grow and live your life on purpose may require to separate yourself from sticky situations or bad habits that are no longer supporting you. The question is, are you willing to look deep and love yourself, without judgment? Listen in to see if you are living in your own cake batter. SharePin0 Shares

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090 – Do You Exude Self-Confidence?

By Nadia Fleury | 09/30/2019 |

Exuding self-confidence is absolutely sexy, and we know it. However, it’s so challenging to feel that. I’ve been on a quest for over 15 years trying to identify the root cause that delayed my growth. Sometimes we procrastinate or feel we lack energy. But why? Listen in as in this episode I reveal the true…

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089 – How to ignite your desire

By Nadia Fleury | 09/23/2019 |

In Napoleon Hill’s book “Think and grow rich,” he explains the first step to acquiring anything in life has a burning desire. Without a desire, nothing new is achieved. One of the challenges is to discover what we truly want in life. In the past week, I’ve experienced two great achievements that have reshaped my…

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088 – Are you allowing yourself to dream big?

By Nadia Fleury | 09/16/2019 |

In this episode, I share with you the power behind dreaming big regardless of any adversity.   SharePin0 Shares

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087 – The power of decluttering

By Nadia Fleury | 09/09/2019 |

In this episode, I share with you the effect it had on me to declutter 30 years of accumulated stuff, mainly books, my educational background, and old bills. At first, as I saw 30 years of my life passing by in one afternoon, I felt guilty to see all the spending. However, I took the…

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086 – Are you hiding from your own success?

By Nadia Fleury | 09/02/2019 |

The subject of hiding is close to my heart because I’ve been hiding for most of my life. Not knowing the cause as to why I was hiding, I settled to play safe. I’m bringing this subject up in the hope that it inspires you to step into your greatness. What got me out of…

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085 – Do you love your job?

By Nadia Fleury | 08/26/2019 |

The statistic says 75% of the working force in North America are disenchanted with their job; oftentimes because they don’t feel valued or heard. Drawn from personal experience, for the first 20 years of my working life, I worked with tyrants employers, where bullying was typical. The sad reality is, we often love our job…

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084 – Are you easily persuadable?

By Nadia Fleury | 08/19/2019 |

  I feel we are currently being presented with fake news designed to bring us in a state of lack or in fear. I no longer know who to really believe. Do you feel that too? For example, let’s take the amount of hype around CBD. The question is, how easily persuadable are you?  I’m…

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083 – Are you letting your fear control your destiny?

By Nadia Fleury | 08/12/2019 |

Anything that is meant to divide, where you feel isolated and alone, it will weaken your ability to grow and prosper. Have you ever noticed that for centuries, the leaders of our society have mastered the ability to bring fear in our life? It includes the religion by making us fear the devil and a…

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082 – Do you cling onto your past?

By Nadia Fleury | 08/05/2019 |

Do you cling onto your past? Are you afraid of letting go of what once was?   In this episode, I’m sharing my friend Emma’s struggle in taking care of her aging mom and how much it takes a toll on her health. As she shared some details, I noticed her struggles were related to clinging onto…

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081 – Taking Flight

By Nadia Fleury | 07/29/2019 |

In this episode, I’m drawing a parallel between the release of a condor into the wild and when, as an entrepreneur, we take that leap of faith to jump in order to soar into new heights. Taking flight takes place inside your heart.  You soar when the mind, heart, and soul are in total alignment. …

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080 – Following our intuition

By Nadia Fleury | 07/22/2019 |

Frequently we get a hunch or an awareness that something is not right. We may choose to follow our intuition and other times we ignore it only to regret it later. Women tend to be more intuitive or at least, in my circle of friends, we talk more about it.   I’m bringing this subject up because…

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079 – The power of an idea

By Nadia Fleury | 07/15/2019 |

In this episode, I share with you how Coca-Cola was created. I came across the story in Napoleon Hill’s book “Think and Grow Rich,” Chapter 6 Imagination. I am fascinated with the story because it shows that for any idea, it’s all about perspective. The doctor was happy to sell his idea for $500 so…

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078 – A leap of faith

By Nadia Fleury | 07/08/2019 |

A critical ingredient to building an enterprise from the ground up is having faith in your ability. Faith is the antidote to fear and is the light that guides you while traveling towards uncertainty. We receive messages as gut feelings and hunches. The message is always there; however, not easy to pay attention when we…

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077 – How to differentiate between fear and intuition?

By Nadia Fleury | 06/30/2019 |

Have you ever been in a situation where you want something that is being promoted to you, but you are not sure if you should go for it or not? You may instinctively call a friend to ask for advice, go online to check the reviews, or you may simply walk away in fear that…

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076 – Living in a time warp illusion

By Nadia Fleury | 06/23/2019 |

For most of my life, I lived in a state of mind that kept me in a time warp illusion where I was lacking time and money. I wondered what was keeping there and how to get out of the illusion. I now know the one thing that is between what we would love doing…

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075 – The Garden of Your Success

By Nadia Fleury | 06/17/2019 |

I want to take a few moments to celebrate Happy Father’s day. Second, I’m also celebrating the 75th podcast episode. Using this podcast show as an example, I’m going to share with you the five steps in achieving your Garden of success. First, do what you love while knowing your end in mind.  In my…

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074 – The Spirit of Wisdom

By Nadia Fleury | 06/10/2019 |

When we drive and get lost, we have the luxury to pull over and check on google for direction. Or we can call a friend. When we chose to follow our heart, there is no clear path, and nothing will give us certainty except trusting ourselves. There is no clear road to our destiny. All…

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073 – My Boundary Challenges

By Nadia Fleury | 06/03/2019 |

A few months ago, I attended a networking event. It was mainly an older group of women entrepreneur. To my surprise, a younger man named Bob showed up. Although I was curious about his purpose to be there, I never connected with him until the end when people were leaving. As we exchange a few…

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072 – A Sharp Right Turn into Alchemy

By Nadia Fleury | 05/27/2019 |

First, I want to acknowledge that today is Memorial Day and I want to take a moment to say thank you to all military service men and women for your service in keeping us safe and free in this country. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I feel it also would be wise…

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071 – Experiencing Oneness

By Nadia Fleury | 05/20/2019 |

I describe Oneness when we feel whole, and we love unconditionally. When we don’t feel whole, we think we are lacking something. It shows up as a lack of self-love. Most of the time, we don’t know this is what’s going on as we are not aware of our state of mind. Depending on how…

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070 – Decide and Grow Rich

By Nadia Fleury | 05/12/2019 |

Your destiny depends on your thoughts, the decision you take and how you act toward them. Even deciding not to take action is a decision. Fear is often the root cause behind self-doubt and lack of decision. In this state of mind, the mind becomes confused which leads to a lack of clarity. The most significant symptom:…

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069 – Why do we procrastinate?

By Nadia Fleury | 05/06/2019 |

Procrastination is one of the leading causes of why we do not achieve our dream in life.  The deeper question is if we have big aspirations for ourselves, why do we Procrastinate? If you have any questions, please reach out via email at ask@nadiafleury.com. SharePin0 Shares

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068 – My Reincarnation

By Nadia Fleury | 04/29/2019 |

In this video, I share how in a moment of wisdom I received an insight that led me to financial freedom. The moment of truth came as I was handling my divorce papers and how I chose to listen to my heart instead of other peoples’ well-meaning advice. In my opinion, the judicial system as…

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067 – Rising Above the Ashes

By Nadia Fleury | 04/22/2019 |

In this episode, Nadia shares how she has come full circle with the Hero’s Journey. Nadia has been on a quest to discover financial and emotional freedom and today, she has arrived.  Now, it’s your turn to look inward and see where you are heading. Are you ready to burn the old stories that keep you…

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066 – Grieving and growth

By Nadia Fleury | 04/16/2019 |

Grieving and growth, In the past six months, Nadia discovered that tears are part of the process and not something to be ashamed of. If you have any question, please reach out via email ask@nadiafleury.com. SharePin0 Shares

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065 – Dancing with the Piranha of uncertainty

By Nadia Fleury | 04/08/2019 |

The path of entrepreneurship is nothing but a long winding road of uncertainty. Often time, the only rudder is your intuitions. In this episode, Nadia shares the details of how her intuitions played a role in guiding her through the turmoil of life. In this episode, Nadia shares how during uncertainty we do meet good…

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064 – My Hypnotic Epiphanies

By Nadia Fleury | 04/01/2019 |

During this past month, Nadia experienced two hypnotic shows.  The first one with Mark Yuzuik. The second one with De’Anna Nunez. Both experienced allowed me to dive into a deep-rooted disempowering belief that sabotaged my success: “The fear of being a disappointment for my mom” which was attached to the guilt of receiving too much.…

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063 – Why do we need validation

By Nadia Fleury | 03/24/2019 |

During a conversation with Jaime, a book publisher, Nadia got a clear idea of her destiny.  We all have an inner GPS that tells us when something is right and when something is wrong?   Choosing to listen to it is something else. This is oftentimes when we are seeking validation. The more detached we are…

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062 – Your Impact in this world

By Nadia Fleury | 03/18/2019 |

What are you willing to do, that will change lives? With several setbacks and challenges, Nadia once again learned a valuable lesson.  This time she met Ron, an affluent man who for some reasons made Nadia feels as she’s lacking something. After a few meeting here and there, she saw for the first time that…

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061 – The 5-Minute Pitch

By Nadia Fleury | 03/11/2019 |

Progressing towards financial freedom Nadia is pushing beyond her comfort zone. In this episode, she shares her feeling before and after the 5-Minute pitch, that happened in Los Angeles on Feb 23, 2019.  Also included is the recording of the event.  In retrospect, Nadia spoke in her authentic heart not only to the investors but to the…

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060 – Creating Serendipity

By Nadia Fleury | 03/04/2019 |

Some people appear to be luckier than others. However, Nadia has new insights. Being lucky has nothing to do with luck. People who attract good fortune have mastered the ability to create positive serendipity in their life. Listen in as Nadia explains how to you too can create your own luck. If you have any…

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059 – The Power of Focus

By Nadia Fleury | 02/25/2019 |

In this episode, Nadia shares insights from the book: “The One Thing. The surprisingly simple truth behind extraordinary results.” By Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. She explains four insights from the book that made her see from a different perspective such as multi-tasking can prevent us to be successful. The best approach, according to Gary…

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058 – My Barometer of Success

By Nadia Fleury | 02/18/2019 |

Earlier this year, Nadia had met her friend Mick, a man who she wishes to get more involved. However, during her encounter, something didn’t feel right. Confused with her emotions, she wrote to Mick she believes him to be too good to be true and feeling she doesn’t deserve him. Once written, she wondered why…

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057 – A Twist of Fate

By Nadia Fleury | 02/11/2019 |

In this episode, Nadia is sharing how deciding on a whim to show up at networking events can lead to an exciting twist of fate. We never know who we meet during a Networking event and what may happen after that. Nadia believes businesses have a greater chance of success when we take the opportunity…

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056 – Guilt will Stop your Freedom

By Nadia Fleury | 02/04/2019 |

At the end of the “Your horse is upside down” Nadia revealed that her true issues were not about Randy, they were related to her ex-husband.  In this episode, Nadia explains why her lack of financial results had nothing to do with poor marketing or poor business strategies.  Nadia’s finances stagnated because of guilt.  Although…

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055 – Is Your Horse Upside Down?

By Nadia Fleury | 01/28/2019 |

In this episode, Nadia shares how meeting Randy, a marketing expert, brought her a great life lesson. She agreed to work with Randy because of her lack of results with her enterprise. As time went on, she was more confused as to what she needed to do next. The relationship got intertwined, making her feel…

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054 – Why Negativity Exists?

By Nadia Fleury | 01/21/2019 |

The reason why negativity and pain exist is that it provides energy to propel us into action. Negativity, in a small dose, becomes a stimulant, it brings challenges, and as a human being, we thrive in achieving new things.  Too much negativity becomes toxic. I believe there’s a correlation between the leading causes of death…

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053 – Why Branding Matters

By Nadia Fleury | 01/14/2019 |

In this Episode, Nadia shares the importance of branding your product or service. By taking the time to brand yourself, it gives you the confidence to stand to your pricing. This feeling not only boost your self-worth, but it also leads you to financial freedom. If you have any questions, reach out to ask@nadiafleury.com SharePin0 Shares

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052 – Your Emotional Inventory

By Nadia Fleury | 01/07/2019 |

In this Episode, Nadia shares the importance of setting goals as an individual and as a couple.  And if you feel you’ve been carrying too much emotional baggage or dead inventory, and you want to make the best for 2019, Nadia shares a powerful way how to release your past for a brighter future. Happy Listening…

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051 – Are you committed to an Epic New Year?

By Nadia Fleury | 12/31/2018 |

In this Episode, Nadia shares some new insights that came when she had a conversation with her mom.  After the incident, she pondered about 2018 and also realized that time is of the essence.  And there is only one way to bring on an Epic New Year, is to find discernment between what is important and what…

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050 – How to Seize an opportunity

By Nadia Fleury | 12/24/2018 |

In this Episode, I’m sharing with you what may stop us from progressing forward in life.  Seeing opportunities is one thing, acting on it, seizing it is something else.  Don’t let the case of “one size” AKA as “once’s I’m ready, I will” Happy Listening and Merry Christmas! If you have any questions, reach out to…

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049 – You Reap What You Sow

By Nadia Fleury | 12/17/2018 |

In this episode, I’m sharing with you how surprised and blessed I was when my 19-year-old son Matthew invited me to go to the Gym with him. Matthew doesn’t ask for much, so when he put his request, I felt what he was asking was deeper than just going to the Gym. He’s made his…

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048 – Living a better life is a choice

By Nadia Fleury | 12/10/2018 |

Nadia draws a parallel between 3 events that brings her closer to understanding that we are all God’s children and regardless of how we are born, we are meant to be. The first event is when she met Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah at a networking event. He was born with a severely deformed right leg. In Ghana,…

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047 – My Financial Epiphany

By Nadia Fleury | 12/03/2018 |

Today, Nadia is sharing her financial epiphany she experienced after going through some tough trials and tribulations. It all started at the end of October when she decided to withdraw her IRA money and invest it into real estate. In this process of transferring her money, her brother called advising to invest in a certain…

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046 – Your Birthday Wish

By Nadia Fleury | 11/26/2018 |

Every year, when your birthday comes, you will blow some candles and make a wish.  Does your wish ever get granted? Do you ever share it with your friends and family? Nadia was thinking about wishes and her mind got transported back to when she was a young child, looking at the soot on her…

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045 – Are you leading with a heart?

By Nadia Fleury | 11/19/2018 |

We often time say “I want to make a difference in this world.”  We sometimes forget that making a difference starts at home.  After all, how can you make the planet a better place if your home is in turmoil? In today’s episode, Nadia shares her insights as she welcomed her 19-year old son to…

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044 – My entrepreneurial mistakes

By Nadia Fleury | 11/12/2018 |

In today’s episode, Nadia shares her mistakes and struggles as she creates her skincare brand Avesence. If you have any questions, reach out to ask@nadiafleury.com SharePin0 Shares

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043 – Is your self-worth prevent you from making money?

By Nadia Fleury | 11/05/2018 |

Putting your ask out there, especially as an entrepreneur can be challenging.  Sometimes we look at Social Media or we keep networking in the hope to find the best next strategy that will bring us clients and an increased income. What if the true issue had nothing to do with the outer-word? In this episode, Nadia shares…

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042 – Are you willing to do whatever it takes

By Nadia Fleury | 10/29/2018 |

There is no magic pill to being successful, you must be willing to do whatever it takes? The question is, are far are you willing to go to achieve your goals and aspirations? In this episode, Nadia shares her challenges with her e-commerce skincare company and it’s only when she did a parallel between her past…

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041 – Assertive Radiance Intro

By Nadia Fleury | 10/22/2018 |

I have to say I’ve come a long way from the day I released the first episode of Happiness: Love yourself back to life.  This is the introduction of the new show Assertive Radiance. This show is for you if: You feel unfulfilled at work and wish to be your own boss. You wish to…

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040 – My Sexy Gold Necklace

By Nadia Fleury | 10/15/2018 |

During her trip to San Diego, Nadia happened to find a gold necklace on the floor with the word Sexy as a pendant.  The necklace was new, in its original packaging but two links were broken.  While Nadia fixed it, she made a parallel between the necklace and how we go about our life.  Do we have…

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039 – Showing up to your success

By Nadia Fleury | 10/08/2018 |

Nadia shares how being in the right place, at the right moment with the right attitude can improve your chance of success and happiness. SharePin0 Shares

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038 – Daring to do something different

By Nadia Fleury | 10/01/2018 |

Have you ever thought of doing something different but you don’t know how to, or you’re afraid? What’s stopping you from doing what you know needs to be done? In this episode, Nadia will have a simpler explanation as to ‘why’ and have some words of wisdom for you start working on it now. She…

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037 – The 9 Environments of you

By Nadia Fleury | 09/24/2018 |

In this episode, Nadia talks about the “9-Environments of you”, which was created by Thomas Leonard and taught by Phil Black from The Accelerated Leadership Academy. For more info go to https://nadiafleury.com/the-9-environments-of-you/ She explains how “the 9- Environments of you” can help in assessing where you are now and where you want to go in…

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036 – The law of manifestation

By Nadia Fleury | 09/18/2018 |

In this episode, Nadia shares her thoughts about how the of the law of manifestation can do wonders in our lives. According to her, it’s all about attracting the positive things we aim for.  How you do one thing is how you do everything, and this statement will have a direct influence on your happiness.…

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035 – The Diamond Within You

By Nadia Fleury | 09/10/2018 |

In this episode, Nadia helps us open our minds and grasp the diamond within ourselves. She shares some personal experiences in doing her first professional video and makes a parallel to her childhood life where she turned tedious chores into a game of pretending to film commercials. Connecting dots from her past, present, and future,…

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034 – How far are you willing to go?

By Nadia Fleury | 09/03/2018 |

What does it take to succeed is determination? Let’s imagine there are 100 people in a room.  All of them are invited to work with a mentor that is willing to teach every step of the way how to achieve anything you desire, wealth, love or happiness. Off the bat, 20% will have “excusitis.”  They…

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033 – The Gift of Time

By Nadia Fleury | 08/27/2018 |

In this episode, Nadia talks about her insights on how valuable time is. As she always says, “time is of the essence,” especially when it comes to building relationships, not just an intimate relationship but even as simple as friendship. She shared her opinions about the movie “Our Souls at Night,” where two people, after…

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032 – You will see it when you believe it.

By Nadia Fleury | 08/20/2018 |

“When we look at successful people, we often time think of them as being born lucky.  In truth, we are all born starting somewhere, and it’s up to us to rise above and find ways to turn any adversity into something positive. It begins with the ability to believe.” In this episode, Nadia dives in…

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031 – Making Love 101

By Nadia Fleury | 08/13/2018 |

In this episode, Nadia took the time to express her insights about making love. For her, making love is not just about sex, it’s about understanding self-worth, having self-love and love of God. To further expand her point, she made a comparison between the two kinds of relationship, conscious living, and unconscious living. She even…

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030 – My Blissful Weekend

By Nadia Fleury | 08/06/2018 |

This episode was a blithe celebration of Nadia’s achievement and blissful weekend. Nadia was able to achieve her 30th episode and was so grateful that she just simply wants to share with everyone how she has taken things positively nowadays. Nadia shared how wonderful her weekend had been; her mentor paid her a visit despite…

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029 – Becoming Supernatural

By Nadia Fleury | 07/30/2018 |

Becoming supernatural doesn’t mean that you have to be different nor you have to become a superhero. In this episode, Nadia took the time to elaborate on how we can simply be supernatural in our own ways, with the help of our own energy and mindset. Nadia strongly believes in the law of attraction. The…

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028 – The Power of Male Female alliance

By Nadia Fleury | 07/23/2018 |

In this episode, we talk about the different energies and ideas that are brought about by the way men and women think differently. It has been an age-old fact that men and women, albeit from the same species, think very differently from each other because of a lot of different factors. Men, the problem solvers,…

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027 – Our Quest For Togetherness

By Nadia Fleury | 07/16/2018 |

In this episode, Nadia shares her thoughts about “our quest for togetherness.” She expounds on the reason as to why we long for togetherness in our lives. She surfaced on some of the important parts of life where we need “togetherness” or being together with someone who would make us feel loved and important. Nadia…

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026 – Are you the leader of your life?

By Nadia Fleury | 07/09/2018 |

In this episode, Nadia shares her views on how we personally control our lives. As we commemorated the American Independence Day, Nadia was celebrating her Freedom. She further explains her insights on how we can be the leader of our life. According to Nadia, freedom starts in our heart, in our state of mind and…

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025 – Crossing The Bridge to Freedom

By Nadia Fleury | 07/02/2018 |

In this week’s episode, Nadia shares her thoughts on crossing the bridge to freedom, prompted by a conversation she had with her friend Martha. She considers if people’s thoughts, ideas, and creativity are worth paying for, as they are not physical products. Using lessons learned from Napoleon Hill’s “How to Own Your Own Mind,” she…

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024 – Connecting The Dots

By Nadia Fleury | 06/26/2018 |

In this episode, Nadia shares with us how a childhood dream made her understand that we may sometimes think that things are too far out, too unreachable, too impossible, when in fact they are things within our grasp; we just haven’t realized it yet. She also shares how as a child she could get the…

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023 – Creating Change For the Greater Good

By Nadia Fleury | 06/18/2018 |

What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? What if you are the player, referee, the goalie, and you play both parts of the team?  Wouldn’t that give you all the reasons to win?  In this episode, Nadia explains how her life changed for the better after letting go of what is probable in order to…

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022 – Why We Fear Chemicals

By Nadia Fleury | 06/11/2018 |

In this week’s episode, Nadia addresses the fear of chemicals and bacteria in our lives. It all started from an incident that happened to her on Friday which challenged her own mindset. This episode goes to show that our fears aren’t always what they seem. We tend to think that naturally derived materials may be…

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021 – The Golden Rules

By Nadia Fleury | 06/04/2018 |

In this episode, Nadia shares Napoleon Hill’s views on the Golden Rules. In this episode, Nadia shares her thoughts and insight about the Golden Rule – “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” And takes it a step further, bringing the law of manifestation explained in “The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace…

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020 – Closing the Gap

By Nadia Fleury | 05/29/2018 |

In this week’s episode, Nadia shares with us what she learned from the book “The 3 Gaps” by Hyrum W. Smith which details ideas about the choices and decisions we make in life and how it affects our behaviors towards these decisions. Some will take the easy way out, yet some will challenge themselves and…

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019 – The Gift Of Life

By Nadia Fleury | 05/22/2018 |

In this episode, Nadia reflects on being a mom on Mother’s day and how each decision impacts your future. SharePin0 Shares

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018 – Does your expectation bring happiness

By Nadia Fleury | 05/14/2018 |

In this week’s episode, we talk about one of the things that may or may not pose as a challenge in our daily lives; our own expectations. More often than not, we are motivated to do things, big or small, by the common expectation that we’ve already formulated in our brain. We are already anticipating…

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017 – When you lose momentum

By Nadia Fleury | 05/07/2018 |

In this episode, Nadia continues sharing her journey into self-realization, this time describing one of her experiences with her friend Paprika. Delighted with her immediate and future success, shared on episode 15 “My overnight success,” Nadia couldn’t help but feel ecstatic. However, throughout, the evening, friction started to arise as Paprika challenged Nadia’s views on…

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016 – My Overnight Success

By Nadia Fleury | 05/01/2018 |

In this week’s episode, we uncover one of the things that we commonly miss in our day-to-day lives, and that is looking back at the past that paved the way to what we are today. Nadia comes with a nostalgic flavor this week when she chanced upon a letter she wrote ten years ago: her…

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015 – My Unshackled Sherpa

By Nadia Fleury | 04/24/2018 |

In this episode, Nadia states her views on the need to forego all the things that are holding us down and prevents us from growing to our full potential. She explains that the ideals and values that were instilled in us at such a young age, molds our behavior and the way we tackle our…

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014 – Art That Speaks To Your Heart

By Nadia Fleury | 04/16/2018 |

In this episode, Nadia reflects on art creation.  She explains that art comes in many forms and we are all uniquely talented in some ways.  Everything manufactured, from jewelry, furniture, and car has been created by someone.  Nadia shares her experience in working in the field of science not realizing she was not just solving…

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013 – Your true essence is a gift

By Nadia Fleury | 04/09/2018 |

In this episode, Nadia addresses the importance of the male-female energy and how western media and society had suggested that femininity is weak and insignificant. The sad truth is, these ideas of being weak and insignificant had disconnected ourselves from who we are and had weakened us even more. If you have any questions, you…

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012 – The Four Levels of Love

By Nadia Fleury | 04/02/2018 |

What level of love do you have? Is it something that makes you happy or just something that satisfies you temporarily? In this episode, Nadia will share the Four Levels of Love. She explains how each category carries different emotions, and how each impacts happiness and wealth.  The Four Levels of Love are Baby Love,…

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011 – Your Gift

By Nadia Fleury | 03/26/2018 |

Have you ever asked yourself what gifts do you have? Or what would you like to give in this world? Ever wonder how your gift and other people’s gift would make an impact in your life? In this episode, Nadia will share how she was able to receive gifts from others. She will share her…

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010 – Your list of needs

By Nadia Fleury | 03/19/2018 |

 First please note there will be a change in the episode format.  I had many requests to discuss more in detail about entrepreneurship and skincare, to allow some time for the creations of these show, I will be reducing the love yourself back to life show from three to one episode per week.  The episode…

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009 – Are You Committed To Your Happiness

By Nadia Fleury | 03/16/2018 |

In this episode, Nadia explains in order to be happy it requires commitments.  And your choices in life will dictate your success.  However, this is easier said than done.  Often time we chose familiarity rather than risking big.   What is at the core of this behavior is fear. Taken from the book The Big Leap…

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008 – Your Magical Mind

By Nadia Fleury | 03/14/2018 |

In this episode, Nadia draws a parallel between how in the conscious world we worry about what pollution does to our skin, however, what effects, even more, is the pollution we put in our own mind.  She explains how we avoid shining how to bring light out there because of our limitation either inflicted by society or…

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007 – Addressing your Incompletions

By Nadia Fleury | 03/12/2018 |

In this episode, Nadia explains the importance of completing the things you’ve promised to do — and what happens when you don’t. It creates an energy trap, which affects your self-worth. Nadia goes into detail about why we don’t finish things. It can be because of procrastination or because the task is too difficult to handle.…

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006 – The Power of Releasing | Part 2

By Nadia Fleury | 03/09/2018 |

The Power of Releasing—Part 2 In this episode, Nadia wraps up “The Power of Releasing.” She explains that our mind captures and stores events, creating life experiences. Depending on your state of mind and the story you choose to believe, these events can help you grow or prevent you from achieving your full potential. Painful…

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005 – The Power of Releasing | Part 1

By Nadia Fleury | 03/07/2018 |

THE POWER OF RELEASING — PART 1 In the Power of Releasing (Part 1) Nadia explains being happy can be challenging and she shares her believe that releasing is at the core of regaining your happiness.   She describes how holding on to a grudge can affect you physically and emotionally and often time without knowing…

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004 – The Answer Is Within Your Reach

By Nadia Fleury | 03/05/2018 |

In this podcast, Nadia discusses a moment of awakening when her priorities changed after the birth of her son. She was no longer willing to work six days a week, nor 60 hours a week. Deep down, Nadia was looking for a way to have more time with her son without it affecting her lifestyle.…

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003 – How Drifting Lead to Lack of Self-Confidence

By Nadia Fleury | 03/02/2018 |

As with anything in life, if you keep repeating it over and over, regardless if it’s true or not, there will come a time when you’ll start believing your own story. Whether it’s based on fact or not is irrelevant. If you’re saying it long enough, you’ll start believing it’s true. And there was a…

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002 – Your Inner Child

By Nadia Fleury | 02/28/2018 |

This is “Love Yourself Back to life” Episode #2: Your inner child! Welcome to Love Yourself Back to life. I’m your host, Nadia Fleury You dream of living a successful life, yet you feel emotionally empty. You know something is missing, but you don’t know what it is. What if the answer was already within…

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001 – Love Yourself Back To Life – Intro

By Nadia Fleury | 02/26/2018 |

It this podcast, Nadia Fleury gives insight into what it takes to find emotional and financial freedom. In January 2012, she left her high-paying job to fulfill her dream of owning a skincare business. As money got tight, she not only had to deal with keeping the business going, but she also dealt with negative…

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