115 – A Balancing Act with Mother Nature
As a scientist, I struggled for a long time on how to share my message. Especially with the skincare line. I felt trapped between wanting to share the truth and telling people what they want to hear. The next question would be: “Is there any chemical in your product.” The truth is that everything is…
Listen to Episode114 – How to Reconnect With The Laws of Nature
In 2015, as I was struggling with my marriage, and my overall happiness, I was suggested to read: “Outwitting the Devil” by Napoleon Hill. In today’s episode, I share his insights on what truly starts an epidemic and how you can help yourself during this challenging time.
Listen to Episode113 – Your Greatest Treasure is within You
We are all concerned with the coronavirus and if you hare personally affected, I’m sending warm healing energy your way. Mother nature is teaching us some important lesson, that no matter what is going on in this world, she will do her thing. And I feel, right now she’s bringing balance. I haven’t seen this…
Listen to Episode112 – To Be or Not to Be Vulnerable – Part 2
In the last episode, I mentioned in the end that my vulnerability allowed me to open Pandora’s box. The old saying suggests leaving the box close. To not let fear and all other troubles come in the open. Well, to be honest, I felt much better after the emotional breakdown. This makes me wonder how much trouble…
Listen to Episode111 – To be or not to be vulnerable – Part 1
I’ve been thinking a lot about the vulnerability aspect in the last few days. Yes, of course, there’s an incident that brings me to talk about this topic: To be or not to be vulnerable? That is the question, isn’t it? There is no in-between. This is deep because it impacts you at the soul level. …
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