035 – The Diamond Within You
In this episode, Nadia helps us open our minds and grasp the diamond within ourselves. She shares some personal experiences in doing her first professional video and makes a parallel to her childhood life where she turned tedious chores into a game of pretending to film commercials. Connecting dots from her past, present, and future,…
Listen to Episode034 – How far are you willing to go?
What does it take to succeed is determination? Let’s imagine there are 100 people in a room. All of them are invited to work with a mentor that is willing to teach every step of the way how to achieve anything you desire, wealth, love or happiness. Off the bat, 20% will have “excusitis.” They…
Listen to Episode033 – The Gift of Time
In this episode, Nadia talks about her insights on how valuable time is. As she always says, “time is of the essence,” especially when it comes to building relationships, not just an intimate relationship but even as simple as friendship. She shared her opinions about the movie “Our Souls at Night,” where two people, after…
Listen to Episode032 – You will see it when you believe it.
“When we look at successful people, we often time think of them as being born lucky. In truth, we are all born starting somewhere, and it’s up to us to rise above and find ways to turn any adversity into something positive. It begins with the ability to believe.” In this episode, Nadia dives in…
Listen to Episode031 – Making Love 101
In this episode, Nadia took the time to express her insights about making love. For her, making love is not just about sex, it’s about understanding self-worth, having self-love and love of God. To further expand her point, she made a comparison between the two kinds of relationship, conscious living, and unconscious living. She even…
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