093 – How to heal through adversity?
Sage had been flirting with Hazel for more than three years. He romanced her and made her feel really good. Knowing his past, Hazel had some reservations in letting go of her guards. However, after three years of pursuing, she opened her heart. Within a few weeks of deeper romance, Sage announced that his ex-girlfriend…
Listen to Episode092 – What is the root cause of procrastination?
Let’s face it, we know what we need to do, but we don’t do it. The reason why we stall is deeply rooted in how we feel about ourselves. It took me years to realize that procrastination is a symptom, not the root cause. The reality is that we live in an illusion, and society…
Listen to Episode091 – Are you stuck in your own cake batter?
To grow and live your life on purpose may require to separate yourself from sticky situations or bad habits that are no longer supporting you. The question is, are you willing to look deep and love yourself, without judgment? Listen in to see if you are living in your own cake batter.
Listen to Episode090 – Do You Exude Self-Confidence?
Exuding self-confidence is absolutely sexy, and we know it. However, it’s so challenging to feel that. I’ve been on a quest for over 15 years trying to identify the root cause that delayed my growth. Sometimes we procrastinate or feel we lack energy. But why? Listen in as in this episode I reveal the true…
Listen to Episode089 – How to ignite your desire
In Napoleon Hill’s book “Think and grow rich,” he explains the first step to acquiring anything in life has a burning desire. Without a desire, nothing new is achieved. One of the challenges is to discover what we truly want in life. In the past week, I’ve experienced two great achievements that have reshaped my…
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